Upgrading your code for v2.0 (from v1.1)

This is the manual to upgrade from v1.1, if you have v1.0 first check our v1.0 -> v1.1 guide.

The following 4 changes need to be considered:

  1. 1. "version" (obviously)
  2. 2. "GenericCityObject" is now an allowed City Object
  3. 3. "metadata/pointOfContact/address" is now a JSON object, not a string
  4. 4. If an Extension is used, update its "versionCityJSON" and add "extraSemanticSurfaces"

1. "version" (obviously)

"version": "2.0"

2. "GenericCityObject" is now an allowed City Object

It is no longer needed to use an Extension and "+GenericCityObject" for generic objects.

To switch to "GenericCityObject", remove the "+" from the name, and remove the entry in the "extensions":

    "url": "https://www.cityjson.org/extensions/download/generic.ext.json",
    "version": "1.0"

3. "metadata/pointOfContact/address" is now a JSON object, not a string

To harmonise with other addresses in the standards (for Buildings and Bridges for example).

"pointOfContact": {
  "contactName": "Justin Trudeau",
  "emailAddress": "justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca",
  "phone": "+1-613-992-4211",
  "address": {
    "thoroughfareNumber": "24",
    "thoroughfareName": "Sussez Drive",
    "postcode": "H0H 0H0",
    "locality": "Ottawa",
    "country": "Canada"
  "contactType": "individual",
  "role": "pointOfContact"

4. If an Extension is used, update its "versionCityJSON" and add "extraSemanticSurfaces"

The "versionCityJSON" should be "2.0" and it is now possible to define new Semantic Surfaces, see the specs:

  "type": "CityJSONExtension",
  "name": "Demo",
  "uri": "https://www.someurl.org/demo.ext.json",
  "version": "1.0",
  "versionCityJSON": "2.0",
  "description": "Extension to handle massive potatoes in our cities",
  "extraRootProperties": {},     
  "extraAttributes": {},
  "extraCityObjects": {},
  "extraSemanticSurfaces": {}